As many of you already know, iFacturas is a free-to-download app. You can also use for it free when it comes to create purchase orders (proforma fakturas) and converting them to actual invoices.
After that, whenever you want to send your invoice to your final customer, our system lets you know that it will cost you 1 euro. But, I would like to explain that we do not charge one euro just per sending the invoice. There's a lot more we do for you for just 1 euro. For instance, your accounting is being automatically done with iFacturas everytime you send and invoice, evertime your final customer pays that invoice...And, with that single euro you are paying you are having your invoice hosted/storaged and always available for you any time you might need to check it again. To summarize: paying only one euro, you will be able to invoice with your smatphone anywhere and anytime, your accounting movements will be automatically registered, your invoice storaged and always available for you on your smartphone and, if you feel like, your external accounting advisor will be able to check what's happening with your invoices and accounting real time from his PC's browser simple entering a username and a password.
It's somehow, like having an internal accounting responsible inside your smartphone. You just have to comfortable create the bill and the rest is up to us for one euro.
I honestly believe that the advantages of using iFacturas are worth more than a euro per transaction since it provides total control over the user's financials: knowledge, time saving, possibiliy to get paid sooner since the bill is sent faster, availability anytime and anywhere...
What do you think about this? If you have any comments regarding this pricing model, please, let us know.
Best regards,
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