jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

#iFacturas is the Startup of the Day #Microsoft #BizSpark

iFacturas has lots of reasons to be glad these days: the number of users is growing and growing and now we have been selected as Startup of the Day by the Microsoft BizSpark program.

Here's just a portion of the original news:

The BizSpark startup of the day is iFacturas, based in Norway and Spain. Below you will find an interview with Morten Jacobsen and Antonio Revaliente of iFacturas. All the best to them and congratulations for being the startup of the day!

Tell us who you are and your role in the company:
I´m a «General Ledger Visionary» happened to be the in right place at the right time. I´m the CEO and founder of «iFacturas AS» in Norway and Spain.
What did you do before creating your company?
Creating other companies within the IT and accounting market.
How do you feel being the most promising ‘Startup of the Day’ per Microsoft BizSpark?
I feel excited about promoting our tools to the only companies in the world which can really create new jobs - startups.
What is your company’s mission?
Our mission is to help self-employed professionals stop losing time and money, by providing his loved smart-phone with an compelling new invoicing and accounting as a service in the Cloud.
In 140 characters or less, tell us what your company does:
100 millions of self-employed professionals can use smart-phones as their primary computer, allowing them to invoice at the point of service and on the go.
Read the original post here.

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